Nightmare Counter
(Last updated August 12, 2021)
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Layout and Labels
- Basic Usage (Nightmares)
- Basic Usage (Demon)
- Adjustment Buttons
- Simple Controller
Nightmare Counter is an extremely useful website found here. It is a manually controlled interface used to help keep track of when enemy guild Nightmares are active, when they end, what enemy nightmares have been used, and various information regarding Demons.
Layout and Labels
- Timer
- Nightmare Cast
- Demon
- Nightmare Selection
- Friendly Time Manipulation
- Enemy Time Manipulation
- Time Adjustments
- Time Adjustments (2)
- Cancel Buttons
- Activation Time
- End Time
- Demon Timer
- Nightmare History
Basic Usage (Nightmares)
At its most basic, Nightmare Counter is used by pressing the Nightmare Cast button (②) when an opponent casts a Nightmare, pressing the Nightmare Selection (④) button that corresponds to that Nightmare’s cast time, then selecting the Nightmare that was cast from the pop-up menu (as seen below, in the case that 200 is pressed).
This does require you to remember Nightmare durations (a good thing for a shotcaller to learn in general), but don’t fret if you press the wrong button: Nightmare Counter begins counting down in the background from the moment you press the Nightmare Cast button, so even if it takes you ten seconds to click out of one Nightmare selection menu and into another to find the correct Nightmare, the timers will take that ten seconds into account. If you really really can’t remember your timings, you can click the triangle below the end timer (⑪) to get what is in effect a visual version of these buttons.
Once a Nightmare is selected, the activation time (⑩) and end time (⑪) counters will begin to count down, as seen below.
The first time next to active time counts down to when the selected Nightmare goes active. At 10 seconds until activation the window will flash red to get your attention, then it will flash red again at activation. The static time to the right of the countdown is the internal time at which that Nightmare will go active. The countdowns for end time work similarly, only for when the Nightmare will end. The window will flash blue for end timers.
As a global player, you may wonder why the hour counter isn’t right for any of these timers. Well, that’s because it’s a tool for Sinoalice JP. Nightmare Counter defaults its timers to the next Colosseum that takes place in Japan based on your system clock, but you can select from different Colosseum times using the “Colosseum” menu at the top of the screen. If you’re lucky, one of these times will correspond to your local Colosseum. If you’re not, you’ll either have to figure out a way to trick or change the timer, or you just ignore the hours digits on the counters (which is what I do). If your computer’s timer is desynced from the in-game timer, you’ll just have to mentally compensate (or rely mostly on the countdowns instead of the static times in extreme cases).
The other most important button for basic usage of this tool is the -1 button under the time adjustments (left button on ⑦). Because it’s unlikely you will be pressing the Nightmare cast button at the exact second the opposing Guild casts a Nightmare, the -1 button is used to take a second off of the various timers. In other words, if you took 3 seconds to hit the Nightmare cast button after the enemy guild summons a Nightmare, you’d press -1 3 times to get the most accurate timers. I’ve found that a feel for this is something that develops over time.
At the very bottom of the screen (⑬) is a history of the Nightmares you’ve selected over the course of your browser session. This is useful for keeping track of what Nightmares an enemy Guild has left (figuring out their end-game options) and for easily noting the order and timing of enemy Guild casts for future use. Pressing the button at the top of the section will turn the HTML into a easily savable image, and pressing the button at the bottom of the section will turn it back into interactable text. The button to the right of a Nightmare will delete it from the history.
Basic Usage (Demon)
This one is much more simple. Press the Demon button (③) once Demon summoning begins to start a 3:30 timer (⑫), the total length of a Demon summoning phase before the Demon vanishes. Press it again to switch to a 1:30 timer, the maximum length of a Demon if the Guild who didn’t summon the Demon isn’t shipped (not particualarly useful if you win Demon).
Adjustment Buttons
Nightmare Counter also comes with a number of handy buttons used to manipulate the Nightmare timers.
Friendly time manipulation buttons and switches (⑤) from left to right are for Wind Golem/Seere, which resets the current Nightmare’s timer (I’ve found you sometimes have to double tap this to get a static activation time), Basilisk/Gallia, which shaves a minute off of the current Nightmare’s timer, and Gigas, which you don’t need to worry about until it comes out and ruins your shotcaller’s life (turns the next enemy nightmare’s cast time into 90 seconds).
The enemy time manipulation switch (⑥) is for when they have Chimera/Yuno 3rd Anniversary active, which reduces the cast time of their next nightmare to 5 seconds.
The left time adjustment button (⑦) is for removing 1 second from the currently active Nightmare timers, as discussed above. The button on the right automatically reduces the activation timer of the current Nightmare to 0 seconds (useful for catching up when you forget to begin a Nightmare at anywhere near the right time).
Neither of the time adjustment 2 buttons (⑧) are used in Global at the current time, but the left one is used to manually trigger Gigas if the switch in (⑤) is not used, and the right one is used to manually trigger Chimera if the switch in (⑥) is not used.
Finally, the left cancel button (⑨) is used to instantly stop the current Nightmare timer, freeing the Nightmare cast button. The button will sometimes get stuck, especially after shorter cast nightmares (60 seconds or shorter), so use it then, or if you make a mistake. The right button cancels the Demon timer.
Simple Controller
Finally, under “Options” is a button to activate a simplified controller. The top two buttons from left to right correspond to buttons ② and ③, while the center row of buttons corresponds to Wind Golem, Basilisk/Gallia, Gigas, and Chimera. The bottom two timers count down to activation time and end time.